Innovative sales coaching tool that promise increased sales results!

CoachTrigger is a simple solution that will make all sales people develop into more top performing team members within 30 days. Welcome to the future in sales performance coaching.

Tailored for sales coaching

Most sales coaches and managers are suffering from the lack of a simple and tailored sales performance management tool. With CoachTrigger the sales people can enjoy a mobile app where they can coach them self to reach higher targets. Sales coaches and managers can enjoy a clear daily view of each team members challenges, in order to coach and support each individual in the correct way. Our solution is simple but very powerful and we can integrate to the existing CRM system. Welcome to book a demo here, we will guide you through a free 2 week discovery period.


Full support from our team

Our support team will help you with all settings and coach-the-coach training in our start package. We help you tailor CoachTrigger to fit your team structure and indvidual activities & targets. First month you run CoachTrigger as a stand alone tool, after that we can integrate to the existing CRM system to optimize the user experience. 

Vad tillhandahåller vi

Innovativ coaching

Manager and user dashboard where all your team members can be assesed and developed to success.

Team member app

Your students use our app as EOD report, to self-train and improve in a motivating way.

Effektivt lärande

Use tailored training modules  in our library, link to existing online modules or create new.

Integrate to CRM

We integrate to all major CRM platforms for a perfect all-in-one platform experience.

24/7 Livesupport för att hjälpa dig med vad som helst

Du kommer alltid att få stöd av vårt team av proffs, oavsett var i världen eller vid vilken tidpunkt. Framgången för ditt team är vårt engagemang.

We help you setup and onboard your team

Our experts will help to setup your CoachTrigger and onboard your team members, for a successful start of your new sales performance journey.

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