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How to Create a Course?

Creating a course in the platform is a straightforward process that will allow you to deliver high-quality educational content to learners. By following these steps, you will be effectively able to create and manage your online courses.

1. Haga clic en el botón de menú Descargar aplicación en nuestra página de inicio

2. Desplácese hacia abajo y haga clic en el botón Iniciar sesión.

3. Serás redirigido a nuestro Aplicación CoachTrigger

4. Introduzca sus credenciales de inicio de sesión e inicie sesión.

5. En Usuarios verá un enlace azul con una cantidad de usuarios. Haga clic en el enlace azul

6. Ahora verá todos los usuarios en el sistema cliente.

7. Haga clic en el enlace azul Suplantar al usuario que es Administrador.

8. Ahora ha iniciado sesión como administrador en el sistema de la empresa.

9. On the left side under Settings you will find the Course Editor

10. Click on Course Editor

11. Click on the “Create a New Course” icon

12. Enter Course Details:

    • Title: Provide a title for your course.
    • Course Slug: Create a unique URL identifier for your course.
    • Description: Write a detailed description of what the course entails.
    • Category: Select or create a category that best fits your course content.
    • Tags: Add relevant tags to help users find your course more easily.

13. Add Course Content:

    • Sections: Break your course into sections. Click on “Add New Section” to start.
    • Lessons: Within each section, add lessons by clicking “Add New Lesson.” Fill in the lesson title, content, and any associated files or links.

14. Set Course Settings:

    • Course Prerequisites: Set any required prerequisites for enrolling in your course.
    • Course Duration: Define the duration of your course.
    • Difficulty Level: Choose the appropriate difficulty level (e.g., Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced).
    • Materials Included: List any materials or resources included in the course.
    • Target Audience: Specify who the course is designed for.

15. Add Multimedia:

    • Include videos, audio files, and other multimedia elements to enhance the learning experience. Click “Add Media” to upload or link your files.

16. Create Quizzes:

    • To assess students’ understanding, create quizzes by clicking “Add New Quiz” under the relevant section. Add questions and set correct answers.

17. Set Course Price:

    • If your course is paid, set the price under the “Course Settings” tab. You can also offer discounts or create promotional prices.

18. Publish Your Course:

    • Once all the information is filled out and you’re satisfied with your course, click “Publish” to make it live.

Por favor ver el vídeo a continuación para obtener más instrucciones: